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Denver Nuggets (3-0) 100 - 98 Golden State Warriors (2-1)

First published October 22nd 2018

I'm still seeing very little from Draymond being a point forward on the halfcourt, in quantity and quality. The offense wasn't clicking at all for with a lot of open shots being bricked but you can always see how scared the opponents get because of Curry, so far removed from the basket.
The Nuggets fed Millsap a lot to start the game. In the few times the Joker got the ball inside the Warriors were very active on bringing someone for the double team, and did it smartly enough that they weren't ever punished for leaving someone open. This lack of Jokic and the guards not making anything resulted in a 15-3 run for the Dubs in that quarter. Not the first time this season, not even the second actually, where the Warriors gave a crazy amount of free throws to the opponent to help them make up ground.
The Damian Jones experience continues. This is a step better than jumping off his feet but you see him get on his toes on the fake an lean into it. You make it way to easy for your match up to get you off balance and draw contact. Set those feet. Here he made a good read and nice job bothering Paul under the basket, however he was a second too late on the run to the paint and Draymond bothering the pass was what allowed him to make up the time. To be fair, Damian was attacked A LOT, all throughout the game. This was trial by fire, i'm not trying to be too harsh.
The last part of the first quarter started a turnover pallooza for Golden State that would last until halftime and before you know it the game was neck-a-neck. Those half-hearted passes at the start of plays are deadly. Plumlee came in very aggressive and he would go on to be very effective over the many spells he played. I could've mistaken in for Jokic with a couple of the passes he threw.
I don't have the clip but it was at this time that the Warriors missed some 4 open three point shots in the same halfcourt possession before KD finally hit a mid-range. While the ability to fight for the offensive rebound is commendable it showed how cold the shooting still was. It was a 2/8 start to the quarter. And when such a slump happens, that's when you turn to the escape valve of Durant to keep you afloat. The game being a two point lead at the half is fine considering 12-2 on turnovers and lack of an outside game.
The third quarter was the Nuggets being the better team by a mile. Jokic stopped being passive, the team was battling very well in the offensive glass and Harris was having the best offensive game of the night. And even when those guys were resting you had this going on. They killed us repeatedly on driving out of close outs.
I thought Iguodala and Draymond had some great and intense defense to begin the final quarter. That really created the foundation for any sort of comeback. Steph hitting three long range shots (finally) injected some pace and dynamic to the warriors offense. 21-8 run to tie the game. But they never got that big shot in the final couple of minutes and mostly traded plays with Denver. Watching the game playing out, i'll only say that the Nuggets should practice some free throws. This could have been over much sooner.
Sorry if i was so GSW-focused, but a lot of credit to the Nuggets defensive efforts from the late first half onward. They started clogging the paint a lot, collapsing hard on drives to the basket (also seen in the final moments that sealed the game) and the Warriors were cold from the outside and not even looking for an escape pass to the perimeter. They defended fast, keeping up with players around screens, and up close to the players. Considering their offensive abilities, if they keep this defensive intensity even semi-consistently, there is no way they won't get those 50+ wins.
Other notes:
Klay just can't make a bucket. While I'm not worried, as we have seen this before, it does make the game harder...
Regarding Jonas "Jazz killer" Jerebko, i like this off-screen jumper at the free throw line they run for him. It contrasts with West last year, where he'd get those shots from his defender being dragged away while he stayed static in that position. Anyway, Jerebko seems to be money in this set up and he's our only big providing any sort of scoring. On the other side of the court he's still adjusting to the fast rotations.
Warriors commentary was unbearable tonight, at least for me. I still love you JB.


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